Fog Disrupts Life in Tamil Nadu: Trains Delayed, Visibility Drops to 0

Trains Delayed, Visibility Drops to Zero

On Friday morning, fog affected different parts of Tamil Nadu including Chennai and many others. The thick fog which was ascribed to the presence of northeast winds made the vision very poor and affected the schedule of people’s daily activities especially in the early morning. Some trains in Chennai were delayed while on the roads, areas like Coimbatore and Chidambaram, were almost brought to a standstill owing to very low visibility.

Fog was very dense in Chidambaram town and this caused a lot of congestion of traffic and it was almost impossible for people to travel on the roads without risking their lives. Chennai airport also experienced some problems with flight operations since there was low visibility due to fog. The Regional Meteorological Centre (RMC) is monitoring the situation closely to keep the public informed.

Pradeep John, a weather blogger who goes by the name Tamil Nadu Weatherman, had earlier predicted that the coastal belt of northern Tamil Nadu including Chennai will experience foggy conditions on Friday morning. His prediction was correct, and dense fog was reported in several areas of the state.

As the week continues, people of Tamil Nadu particularly those in Chennai and its surrounding areas are ready for more fog in the early mornings together with cold temperatures. Although the cold weather is better than the usual hot weather, the fog makes it difficult for people who have to travel or work early in the morning.

However, with the recent weather patterns, people in the area are slowly getting used to the conditions and expect that visibility will improve in the near future as the weather improves. People are therefore reminded to be careful when using the roads especially in the early morning.